Kontynuujac watek - jest kilka komiksow, ktore nie zostaly wydane w Polsce jak do tej pory.
Sprobowalem je zebrac, ale jako, ze nie sledze polskiego rynku az tak dokladnie - moze ktores z nich byly wydane a ja nie zauwazylem (poprawcie mnie jakby co).
Hellboy Universe The Secret Histories - zawiera Rasputin the Voice of the Dragon, Sledgehammer 44, The Visitor: How & Why He Stayed
Crimson Lotus
Rise of the Black Flame
B.P.R.D - Vampire
B.P.R.D - Being Human
Hellboy and the B.P.R.D. - The Beast of Vargu and Others
Hellboy and the B.P.R.D. - The Return of Effie Kolb and Others
Hellboy and the B.P.R.D. - The Secret of Chesbro House & Others
Hellboy: The Bones Of Giants
Hellboy: Silver Lantern Club
Sword Of Hyperborea
Our Encounters With Evil & Other Stories: Library Edition - zawiera Mr. Higgins Comes Home, Our Encounters with Evil, Falconspeare (dwa ostatnie zostaly wydane w PL - perwszy - nie wiem)
The House of Lost Horizons: A Sarah Jewell Mystery
British Paranormal Society: Time Out of Mind
Frankenstein: New World
Koshchei in Hell
Young Hellboy: The Hidden Land
Young Hellboy: Assault on Castle Death
Hellboy Junior
Itty Bitty Hellboy 1
Itty Bitty Hellboy 2
Frankenstein Underground
Castle Full of Blackbirds
Hellboy in Love
Miss Truesdale and the Fall of Hyperborea
Panya: The Mummy's Curse
Sa tez trzy mini komiksy, ktore byly dodawane do DVD Hellboy Animated, ale zupelnie nie wiem czy w Polsce zostaly wydane:
- The Menagerie
- The Judgment Bell
- The Black Wedding
Z Outerverse jest jeden niewydany zbiorczy - Tales from the Outerverse, ktory zawiera - Cojacaru the Skinner #1–2, Imogen of the Wyrding Way oraz The Golem Walks Among Us! #1–2
Z innych rzeczy to glownie albumy, ale u nas chyba nie ma na to za bardzo zbytu w komiksowie (no chyba, ze jest tam nazwisko Rosinski
Hellboy companion
The Art of Hellboy HC
Hellboy: The First 20 years HC
The Hellboy 100 project HC
Hellboy 25 years of covers HC
Hell, Ink, and Water: The Art of Mike Mignola
No i powiesci, ale to chyba tez malo popularne u nas:
Hellboy: The Lost Army (Christopher Golden, 1997)
Hellboy: Odd Jobs (by editor Christopher Golden, 1999)
Hellboy: The Bones of Giants (Christopher Golden, 2001)
Hellboy: Odder Jobs (by editor Christopher Golden, 2004)
Hellboy: On Earth As It Is In Hell (Brian Hodge, 2005)
Hellboy: Unnatural Selection (Tim Lebbon, 2006)
Hellboy: The God Machine (Thomas E. Sniegoski, 2006)
Hellboy: The Dragon Pool (Christopher Golden, 2007)
Hellboy: Emerald Hell (Tom Piccirilli, 2008)
Hellboy: The All-Seeing Eye (Mark Morris, 2008)
Hellboy: Oddest Jobs (by editor Christopher Golden, 2008)
Hellboy: The Fire Wolves (Tim Lebbon, 2009)
Hellboy: The Ice Wolves (Mark Chadbourn, 2009)
Hellboy: An Assortment Of Horrors (by editor Christopher Golden, 2017)
Lobster Johnson: The Satan Factory