Nie wiem czy już nie było, ale pojawił się dokładniejszy plan wydawniczy kolejnych tomów serii Obscure Cities:
Spring 2020 - The Shadow of a Man (first time in English)
Fall 2020 - The Tower (La Tour with all-new English translation)
Spring 2021 - A Fever in Urbicande (in color for the first time with all new English translation)
Fall 2021 - The Route to Armilia (first time in English)
Spring 2022 - Brüsel
Fall 2022 - The Invisible Frontier (first time in a single complete volume in English, new cover, differs from the two NBM covers from 2002 and 2003)
Spring 2023 - Remembrance of Eternal Present (first time in English, and if it can be worked out, this would include a DVD or BluRay copy of the film, Taxandria, which is the film version of this story).
Trochę im z tym zejdzie :/